Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Power Rankings for week of 7/23 games

Last week's ranking is in parenthesis. 

1. Pollock(1)- Team Pollock’s 6.1 run differential is more than double than the next team on the list(Goldfarb at 2.7).

2. Goldfarb (5)- For as great as Team Pollock has been this year, if Goldfarb wins tonight there will be a virtual tie atop the National League.

3. Bykofsky (2)- It might not time to worry yet, but two of the last three games were blowout losses(16-5 to Lapine and 17-4 to Pollock). Surprisingly, both were on UH Left which should be a field that plays to Bykofsky’s strengths.

4. Marrone (3)- A one-run loss to Harris feels like a huge missed opportunity for Marrone to gain control of the top seed in the AL. I love the energy this teams plays with. Marrone will move up the rankings next week if they can defeat Pollock on Sunday.

5. Brock (3)- The regular season comes down to who is missing from week to week almost as much as it does about talent. How much can the team by knocked when they lose without Justin? A loss is still a loss, but in the long-term, the team presents as big of a challenge as Bykofsky and Marrone.

6. Wallman(7)- You can get away with having an average offense in the regular season when you have the stingiest pitching/defense in the league. I think it could be a potential problem in the playoffs though as historically speaking, teams with top hitting/average defense make it further than top defense/average hitting. More on that in a future blog entry though.

7. Harris(8)- Team Harris and Team Wallman are sides of the same coin. Again, credit to Harris for silencing the many naysayers  right after the draft. Good defense never goes out of style.

8. Lapine (NR)- Accoring to the team stats page on the website, Team Lapine has the highest OPS in the league. They averaged 5.67 runs the first 6 games of the season going 0-6 and are averaging a whopping 12.89 runs the last nine going 6-3. While it may seem odd putting a last place team this high on the power rankings, very few teams have played as well the last two months.

Around The League:

Team Beilis/Team Jacoby/Team Paladino: Interleague play has not been kind to these three teams. They have a combined 1-20 record against the AL.  

Team Applebaum: They get lost in the shuffle playing in an American League where almost every team is either .500 or one game away from it. They’ve been caught by the injury bug this year, but if they can beat Goldfarb on Sunday, they’ll start attracting more attention.

Team Feldman- They may have fallen off the power rankings this week, but this is a team that has more than a fighting chance of getting Feldman to the semi-finals for the first time since 2006.

Team Randell- The run differential is a league worst -4.5, but they’re getting hot just like Team Lapine.

Team Granese- Losses and wins come in pairs for this team, and as the pattern indicates, it’s hard to get a read on this team. It’s been hard getting everyone on the field at the same time, which has clearly been their greatest hindrance. Granese and Bykofsky are the only two teams that have played zero games with a full 13.

Team Sarcona- I like this club being that they’re one of only three that have defeated my team.  They were getting a lot more attention a few weeks ago when they were riding a five game winning streak. This will be an interesting few weeks because they’re in danger of falling all the way to the back of a very competitive American League. 

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