Sunday, August 25, 2013

Power Rankings

1. Wallman (1)
2. Applebaum (3)
3. Jacoby (2)
4. Harris (4)
5. Lapine (7)
6. Beilis (5)
7. Carlin (6)
8. Goldfarb (8)
9. Younger (13)
10. Randell (10)
11. Granese (11)
12. Feldman (9)
13. Bykofsky (12)
14. Marrone (14)
15. Mamone (16)
16. Pollock (15)

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Power rankings

These were done days ago, but I forgot to post:

1. Wallman
2. Jacoby
3. Applebaum
4. Harris
5. Beilis
6. Carlin
7. Lapine
8. Goldfarb
9. Feldman
10. Randell
11. Granese
12. Bykofsky
13. Younger
14. Marrone
15. Pollock
16. Mamone

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Power rankings

Here are the updated rankings.

1. Wallman (1)
2. Jacoby (2)
3. Applebaum (3)
4. Carlin (4)
5. Harris (6)
6. Beilis (5)
7. Goldfarb (7)
8. Lapine (10)
9. Bykofsky (9)
10. Granese (8)
11. Randell (12)
12. Feldman (11)
13. Younger (13)
14. Marrone (14)
15. Mamone (16)
16. Pollock (15)

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Week 16 Power Rankings

1. Wallman (1)
2. Jacoby (2)
3. Applebaum (3)
4. Carlin (4)
5. Beilis (6)
6. Harris (8)
7. Goldfarb (5)
8. Granese (7)
9. Bykofsky (9)
10. Lapine (12)
11, Feldman (11)
12. Randell (10)
13. Younger (13)
14. Marrone (14)
15. Pollock (15)
16. Mamone (16)