Saturday, July 28, 2012

Week 15 Power Rankings

Hopefully there will be games this week. If not, the pwoer rankings can still be slightly affected by Wednesday's games.

1.       Younger(1)- For those people who think their great defense can be compromised by playing on Union Hill, they just completed a 7-0 U.H. record with their win on Wednesday night.

2.       Pollock(2)- Our offense is clicking on all cylinders and we’re starting to look more and more like last year’s championship team.

3.       Feldman(3)- One less does not erase what has been a phenomenal summer so far for Team Feldman.

4.       Wallman(5) – Impressive wins over Feldman and Applebaum show Wallman should be around the top for the rest of the season.

5.       Harris(4)- Team Harris showed a lot of fight on Wednesday night. Once fully healthy, they’ll be even tougher.

6.       Applebaum(6)- They’re only 4-5 in their last nine games. I think their offense is better than what they’ve shown over the last month. They can coast to a division title though.

7.       Lapine(7)- They’ve had to deal with some tough injuries, but Lapine has also benefitted from playing teams at the right time. Also, their 3 game winning streak has come against 3 of the bottom 4 teams on this list. Still, this is a good team who can still capture the American League title with only a little bit of help.

8.       Goldfarb(10)- With a 7-3 record over their last 10 games, Team Goldfarb is making their move. They’re pretty much locked into a 4 vs.5 matchup in the first round, but I think they can provide a second round upset.

9.       Sarcona(9)- When they were 8-5, I thought they were slightly less impressive than their record indicated. Still, they have some impressive wins on their resume including Pollock, Wallman(twice), and Harris.

10.   Mamone(8)- This is a team who may be asking “where was our offense?” while they watch other teams advance in the playoffs. The talent is there but where is the consistency. Just as I said with Lapine, it should be noted that 4 out of Mamone’s last 5 wins have come against the bottom 4 teams on this list.

11.   Granese(11)- Might as well copy and paste: This is a team who may be asking “where was our offense?” while they watch other teams advance in the playoffs. Until their last two games, Granese’s defense has been great. They’ll need that to return in order to avoid a tough first round matchup.

12.   Carlin(13)- Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in. They look to be the clear winner of 2012’s “Low seeded team that nobody wants to play in the first round.”

13.   Schefkind(15)- A win against a quality opponent like Sarcona is a nice way to snap a long losing streak. It’s almost impossible to predict the same kind of success against Team Feldman though.

14.   Beilis(12)- I thought they had a chance to go on a nice run but only scoring one run in an 11 inning loss is certainly one way pop that bubble.

15.   Randell(14)- During their current 6 game losing streak, they’ve only lost by less than 4 runs once.

16.   Jacoby(16)- They have lost EIGHT games by 7 or more runs this year. No other team has more than four losses of that kind.

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